
The NPR is not intended to be prescriptive but an essential guiding tool for different sectors. It is therefore important to engage relevant stakeholders in a multi-sectoral approach that is paramount for the successful implementation of the ‘4DRDP’ Programme:

These include among others; Government line Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), Districts Local Governments; Indigenous and international Non- Government Organization (NGOs); Community Based Organization (CBOs); the Media, Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) ;Cultural Institutions; the Academia; United Nation (UN)Agencies and bilateral Organizations; Private Sector; Donor Agencies and Development Partners. Roles of the different key actors in implementation are:

Table 1. National Peace Revival (NPR) Partnerships.

1. Security Sector

• Enhance the capacity of conflicts areas in Nigeria to participate in peace-building processes.
• Establish an enabling environment for women to effectively contribute to peace and security in the country.
• Improve the living conditions of women and their families so as to promote increased human security.
• Strengthen structures that promote effective participation of conflicts areas in peace and security.
• Support the rehabilitation, psycho-social support and resettlement of military veterans as a key mechanism for building sustainable security in the country within the conflict areas

2. Ministry of Health
• Coordination of health sector actors for effective response during violence, conflict situations and activities of NPR nationwide.
• Provide health support services for NPR during campaign and sensitization for peacebuilding operations nationwide.
• Issue guidelines for timely prevention and management of emerging viral diseases in vulnerable communities.

3. Local Governments Areas
• Provide an oversight role of coordinating conflicts areas.
• Develop and operationalize district Local Action Plans.
• Establish coordination committees at the district level
• Create awareness for NPR progarmme.
• Monitoring conflicts resolution within the district level.

4. Civil Society Organizations (CSO), NGOs and Women’s organizations
• Create awareness on the NPR programme.
• Institutionalize and operationalize the principles NPR Pillars.
• Mobilize resources for the implementation of the NPR Programme.
• Build capacity of women leaders and women groups to prevent and resolve conflicts.
• CSOs play a major role of supplementing NPR Programme.
• Conduct monitoring and reporting on the NPR implementation.

• Translate and popularize the NPR Action Plan.
• Advocate for implementation of the NPR Action Plan.

5. Faith Based Organizations (FBOs)
• Sensitize and create awareness on the NPR Action Plan.
• Provide psycho-social support to victims/ survivors of violence and
conflicts areas.
• Anchor and mobilize resources for implementation of NPR Action

6. Institutions of Traditional and Cultural leaders
• Encourage communities to abandon negative traditional practices that promote violence and conflicts.
• Promote and conserve positive cultural practices that promote human rights, development and education.
• Mobilize resources and participants in NPR Programme.
• Conduct community mobilization and create awareness on NPR Programme.

7. Media

•Build capacities of media practitioners on NPR responsive programming and reporting.
•Popularize and disseminate NPR Programme related information messages using popular media.
•Promote public dialogue on NPR Programme using popular media channels to enhance knowledge sharing and building positive synergies.
•Promote positive milestones in the media.

8. Academia and research institutions:
• Anchor, dissemination of NPR Programme and related issues to inform policy, planning, peace, security and sustainable development in Nigeria.

9. Legislature & Presidency
• Legislature’ have a formal role in relation to peacebuilding, such as supporting transitional justice and integration of former armed groups and across the main conflict cleavages.
• In the long-term, Legislature can govern in support of peace, become sites of national dialogue and hold the executive to account.
• Legislature have the ultimate legal responsibility for the implementation of peace agreements, including institutional reform.



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