
Peace-keepers Consolidation

NPR will leverage positive footprints of peacekeepers

Focus on national unity and inclusivity

In pursuing country, regional, and cross-cutting engagements in accordance with its mandate and based upon ‘4DRDP ’workplan.

Effective partnerships

NPR will pursue more effective partnerships with regional and subregional organizations with a focus on coherent support

Advocacy for peacebuilding financing

The NPR will continue to advocate for adequate, predictable, and sustained financing for peacebuilding through voluntary, innovative, and assessed contributions.

Enhanced advisory, bridging and convening role

The NPR will continue to improve the quality and timeliness of its submissions and briefings to principal organs and relevant United Nations entities and peacebuilding fora, providing them with broad peacebuilding perspectives

Emphasis on accountability

National Peace Revival, Abuja in September 2025, it will seek to highlight recommendations agreed to by peacebuilding stakeholders for the way forward



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